The pp电子遗产协会 allows individuals who align themselves with the mission of Lake Catholic the ability to make a difference for the next generation of Cougars. “有计划的礼物”是用资产而不是收入赠送的礼物. Gifts of this nature are deferred until a future time, as designated by the donor. These gifts can be made now, without impacting cash flow, lifestyle, or financial security.
Making a commitment to a planned gift to Lake Catholic immediately grants you a lifetime membership in the Lake Catholic Legacy Society. 遗产会员全年都会得到认可.
在考虑计划好的礼物时, it is best to speak with financial or legal counsel to ensure this gift aligns with your personal financial and charitable giving priorities.
If you have already designated pp电子 in your estate plans, please email 卡拉Ronnebaum or call at 440-578-1020 *234 so we can acknowledge you and express our gratitude. 如果你想把pp电子平台纳入你的遗产规划, 请查看下面的一些选项并考虑完成此选项 礼品意向表格.
发现你自己,你的信仰,你的未来,你的目标. 成为雷克天主教家庭的一员.